Amenity Trees planted in Sunderland

April 2023, we made contact with Microsite, who were involved in an ambitious contract of planting 170 heavy standard amenity trees at two sites near Sunderland. Pleasingly, we were able to get a team to travel the hour or so to Sunderland, to assist.

Over three days, we planted 60 heavy standard trees, which included interpreting the planner’s map, ensuring they were located in the right places, digging suitable sized pits, locating the tree, removing the root ball protections, back filling with quality top soil and then securing in place; before driving in support stakes and ensuring trees would withstand all that the environment could throw at them.

At times we were working in the middle of a roundabout; at other times we were checking for pipes, cables and gas mains on the verges of busy roads. Some of the trees needed root barriers including, whilst others were heavy standards, requiring even larger pits to be dug.

Thankfully, the weather was kind- staying cool so we didn’t swelter in the heat, the trees weren’t affected and the ground was not baked hard whilst digging. We’ve since heard that the trees planted are thriving, and are now being cared for by the team at Microsite, who we are pleased to be working with more and more.

If you are planning some tree planting, be that be amenity tree planting or a larger woodland creation project then we can help, just email

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